New structure in place at MYLAPS US

New structure in place at MYLAPS US

In our last newsletter, we introduced Account Managers Alex Sosebee, David Ameijeiras and Market Specialist David Rye. We also mentioned some upcoming changes in our structure that we have now put in place.

We have created a Customer Support team whose members do not travel and are all able to assist timers with repeat purchases for items such as tags and chips, billing questions and other first line support. They will engage second line tech support when needed, or the Account Manager. Customer Support can be reached by email at

The team members are Erika Ledezma and Sheryl van der Zalm. Both Erika and Sheryl have been key members for several years at MYLAPS. We are also in the process of searching for a third member of the team.



Account Manager Roles

The Account Managers will focus on supporting you to run and grow your business, with our systems and services, including white-label EventApps and PhotoVideo solutions. Pamela is our rock in LatAm and Alex and David A are masters of timing business in North America, dividing the territory as follows.



State Country State Country
Arizona USA Oklahoma USA
Arkansas USA Oregon USA
California USA South Dakota USA
Colorado USA Texas USA
Hawaii USA Utah USA
Idaho USA Washington USA
Illinois USA Wisconsin USA
Indiana USA Wyoming USA
Iowa USA Alaska USA
Kansas USA Montana USA
Michigan USA Yukon Canada
Minnesota USA Northwest territories Canada
Missouri USA Nunavut Canada
Nebraska USA British Colombia Canada
Nevada USA Alberta Canada
New Mexico USA Saskatchewan Canada
North Dakota USA Manitoba Canada



State Country State Country
Alabama USA West Virginia USA
Connecticut USA Mississippi USA
Delaware USA Ohio USA
Florida USA Kentucky USA
Georgia USA Vermont USA
Louisiana USA Ontario Canada
Maine USA Quebec Canada
Maryland USA Labrador Canada
Massachusetts USA Newfoundland Canada
New Hampshire USA Prince Edward Island Canada
New Jersey USA Nova Scotia Canada
New York USA New Brunswick Canada
North Carolina USA
Rhode Island USA
South Carolina USA
Tennessee USA
Virginia USA


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